Narrative Film
Narrative Film
“TERMOPRO” is a horror revenge flick happening in a night club called the maze because of its interior layout. It tries to not only bring awareness but possible real life solutions to abuse in nightlife caused by promoters and owners who turn a blind eye to it. Nate is the promoter of a puzzling club with a secret at its core. Sex, drugs, and alcohol were his ticket in, but his choices won’t let him out. You didn’t think they’d let it slide – did you? After Nate and his 2 friends abuse 3 college women they fight back and gain their justice by tricking them through virtual reality drugs and hypnosis. Apart from having extremely captivating visuals where each room of the club represent a type of abuse and a bullet proof storyline with a massive reveal ending we are in contact with real life sexual survivors associations to create real change in these environments outside of the film. With their help we can create a certificate with which bars and clubs can train their staff on suspicious customer behaviors and give more ressources in bathroom which can help prevent abuse or unwanted drug use like cup covers or nail polish that changes color when your drink is roofied. This will be great opportunity for all involved to create a story that isn’t only captivating but also a story that will break the cycle of the toxic and abusive unspoken industry of promoters in america which and I myself and so many other individuals have experienced first hand.
To make a donation in support of TERMOPRO make out a check payable to: SIMA STUDIOS and mail to 551 Norwich Drive, West Hollywood, CA 90048. SIMA’s Tax ID is 46-2836025. Be sure to write “TERMOPRO” on the notes/memo line of the check. If you would prefer to make a wire transfer, please reach out to [email protected].
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