It’s been almost 5 years since Keisha first started her dream job curating for one of the most prestigious art museums in the world. Now, she’s burnt-out, frustrated, and juuust starting to doubt her own capabilities in the workplace. At the same time, Evelyn— her colleagues 6-year old daughter— goes missing during a day trip to that very same institution! Some time has passed, but due to all the adult’s preoccupations, no one’s even noticed Evelyn’s gone missing. For as much progress that has been made in the art world, attempts at inclusion can often lack the attentive care and humility required to listen. Wide White Walls highlights the importance of uplifting BIPOC art and artists beyond the commercialization of their trauma. Our film also explores some of the creative struggles artists might encounter throughout their artistic process. We believe all minority creatives can relate to this story, from being misheard, misunderstood, or dismissed altogether. Our long term goals include: public film screenings, a full festival & awards run, and— most importantly— helping to provide a spotlight to a conversation actively happening in minority creative spaces. We want to share this with those that can resonate with the experience of being or supporting black creatives.